
Contact me

Madalena Cruz-Ferreira

IPA: mɐdɐˈlɛnɐ ˌkɾuʃˈfʁɐiɾɐ

© MCF 2010-2021. Site updated March 2021

I am a linguist, a parent and an educator, and I am multilingual.

I am Portuguese, married to a Swede, having lived in Singapore for over 20 years, and working (mostly) in English. We have three trilingual children.

My main professional interests are child and adult multilingualism, language teaching, language learning, and linguistics.

I have taught and lectured at several universities in Europe and Asia, and I am now an independent consultant. I specialise in talks, workshops and courses tailored to clients’ requirements.

email:     Madalena Cruz-Ferreira

skype:    send me an email, to receive my skype name.

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